It was very relaxed and great fun - Graham and Karen are highly professional in the way that manages to make it all look so easy, and their three hour daily show is a mixture of music, info and chatting to a wide range of guests. I was in the studio for about forty minutes, and my interview was divided into three sections - the first about the book, the second about my time in Australia and involvement with the Lovers Guide, and the third about... my family and other animals.
I'm now up on the BBC website, and you can even listen to the three sections of the interview if you've nothing better to do with half an hour or so.
It seems that quite a few people did listen, as I had some emails, a phone call from the Diss Publishing Bookshop to say people had been in to order it, a complaint that Norfolk Libraries didn't have it in stock and I can see that my sales rating on Amazon has gone up this week.
I shall be back in with Karen at BBC Radio Norfolk on Friday 13th March for one of the weekly Lunchtime Ladies discussions, which is a sort radio version of Loose Women, fueled by a glass or two of wine - I'm looking forward to it!