Tuesday, 27 January 2009

BBC Radio Norfolk Interview

A bit of marketing work has resulted in a quick response from BBC Radio Norfolk. I'm going in next Tuesday morning (3rd February) to talk about Kindred Spirits and the ghost story which inspired it. I'll be on air sometime between 10 and 11 am.

The paras from my Press Release that interested them most, I think, are these:
Is this a real-life Norfolk ghost story?

When author, Lucy McCarraher, had recently moved from London into a 17th century, South Norfolk farmhouse, she was visited by a psychic friend. That evening, a spirit made contact, giving his name and position in the local churchyard. The man wanted Lucy, it seemed, to tell his story and “right the wrong” that was done to him in the 1940s.

Lucy was intrigued, if sceptical, but his gravestone was exactly where he had said and local research revealed, amazingly, that a man of that name (the “Henry Tinker” character in Kindred Spirits), had indeed lived in the village, married, had children and left under a cloud of family suspicion in 1946.

“His descendants gave me as much information as they could, but they were children at the time and all the adults now dead. But I had enough – a death, no will, missing funds, someone blamed, family divisions, lives blighted – to set my imagination, and sense of duty to my ghost, working. After my first novel, Blood and Water was published, I decided to write a second book combining some of my own experiences in moving to the country, with a fictional village of the 1940s – and of course World War Two was a great period in Norfolk history,” said Lucy McCarraher.
On the basis of my Radio Norfolk interview, I got on the phone to the Norwich branches of Waterstones and asked if they'd order in copies of Kindred Spirits, which they were very happy to do and I may get some signing events at one as well. It's nice that the managers are interested in supporting local authors - hopefully book buyers are too! I shall be ringing round as many Norfolk bookshops as I can, in the next couple of days, capitalising on this piece of publicity.

Friday, 23 January 2009

Kindred Spirits

My new novel, Kindred Spirits, the second in the series featuring Mo Mozart and family (after Blood and Water) is now out and up on the booksales websites like Amazon, WHSmiths, Tesco etc. You can order it through any bookshop. Here's the back cover copy:

"Mo Mozart, with her GP husband Jack and two young children, moves from Crystal Palace to rural Norfolk in pursuit of the perfectly balanced lifestyle. Their idyllic farmhouse, though, holds dark family secrets that date back decades – to when Dottie Hammond moved from London to become a World War Two Land Girl on a farm surrounded by Norfolk’s RAF/USA Airbases.

"Mo’s happy country life starts to unravel when Jack is accused of abusing a young patient, she starts having flashbacks to the 1940s and her daughter, Lily, develops an imaginary friend from the same era. With help from both town and country friends, experiences of past and present, Dottie’s wartime diary and a community production of Hamlet, Mo uncovers the unresolved events that have haunted the village of Great Haddeston for seventy years. In the process she sorts out her own complex family issues that revolve around Jack’s adoption and his glamorous birth mother."

And some nice comments:

“Hugely impressed by Lucy McCarraher’s prose, and by the diligence and erudition of both the plotting and research. There’s a strong sense throughout of a writer who has truly engaged with her characters and with the period. It was a pleasure to re-enter Mo’s world – she’s a very sympathetic character.”
Will Atkins, Macmillan New Writing

“Lucy McCarraher’s books are a dream to read. The writing flows and clever plotting ensures you just want to keep turning pages in this dual time narrative that cleverly blends a Land Girl's diary with an of-the-moment setting when cosmopolitan Mo uproots her family from London to an old farm house in rural Norfolk.”
Cate Sweeney, author Selfish Jean

I'm giving some talks about Kindred Spirits around Norfolk over the next few months - here's a listing to date:

Monday 16th February, 12.30 - Wymondham Rotary Club (members only)

Wednesday 4th March 2pm - North Walsham Library

Wednesday 18th March 7pm - Diss Library

Monday 23rd March 7.30pm - "A Bunwell Book Launch" - local launch of Kindred Spirits, Bunwell Village Hall, The Turnpike, Bunwell Norfolk. All welcome. Enquiries: 01953 789951

Wednesday 22nd April 7pm - Holt Library

Tuesday 5th May 10.15am - Attleborough Library

Others are coming up, dates not yet confirmed.